Gather round for Evolve’s Go Ride Awards !
Evolve’s Go Ride Program paves the way to our training program for children getting them ready for competitive cycling.
The aim of the session is to teach children from learn to ride to our foundation programme. The children then progress to Bronze, Silve and Gold, which teaches them a number of cycling skills together with an introduction to British Cycling race techniques .
The Programme Runs Term Time at the Bannister Stadium, Harrow from 6-7pm.

Term-time only. Here are the dates for the next 3 terms.
Term 2 – 4th Nov – 9th Dec – 6 weeks
Term 3 – 6th Jan – 10th Feb 23 – 6 weeks

We have 3 groups and children are divided based on ability. It is at the coaches discretion to move a child to another group, if it benefits the child, their learning and safety. Please select the group that you see fits the most, you can always discuss this with an Evolve Go-Ride Coach. The groups are as follows:
Ready, Set, Ride – Learning to balance and learning to pedal. This is designed to be game based learning with riders learning how to pedal smoothly and seamlessly in order to circle a 400m track.
Ride – Riders should be able to handle a bike effectively and circle a track safely, and will be taught basic cycling techniques such as mounting, cornering, moving around on a bike and introduction to group riding.
Bronze – Riders should be capable cyclists, showing skills in basic cycling techniques and beginning intermediate techniques.
Silver, Gold and BMX Pump Track Sessions will be held during school holidays
Children must bring their own bike and helmet.
Session 1 Registration will open at 5.45 pm. The track session will promptly start at 6.00pm and bike/helmet safety check start at 5:45pm
If you are member of Evolve then your child can benefit from preferential rates and early booking. The member rates are:
4 week term- £24
5 week term- £30
6 week term- £36
Non-member rates are
4 week term- £30
5 week term- £37.5
6 week term- £42
All children should bring their own bikes and helmets
Resources for Parents/Guardians:-